Monday, June 4, 2007

We had a special rehearsal today (Sunday). I need all the practice with the group that I can get. I thought I should go. However, since it was Sunday, I didn’t think it was right. I debated with myself: On one hand, the group needs me to be in my position…On the other hand, if I had faith, it will go better if I don’t practice on Sunday. On one hand it doesn’t matter how much practice I have, I’ll never be good anyway. On the other hand, I can’t expect Divine Help if I don’t practice… Maybe I could go to another ward that meets after our rehearsal. But then, I know that the Lord takes the Sabbath Day seriously…..

I decided to go to the practice. I tried talking to Heavenly Father about it. I explained that I was needed there so I could work with the group. And besides, I hadn’t known that there was going to be any Sunday rehearsals when I enrolled in the class. So it wasn’t like I fell into this on purpose. I’m basically really active in keeping the commandments. I read the Ensign from cover to cover. I watch the BYU channel a lot. I’m out serving others during the week. I pay my tithing. I fast on fast Sunday…..

Oh, that’s right. And this will be a fast Sunday too. I won’t be there for fast and testimony meeting…. And if I have a testimony, what am I doing skipping out on Sunday meetings for a silly 5 minute performance that in the end is not going to shake the universe?

I went to Church. I knew it was the right decision when I came in and heard the opening hymn. I felt good in my bones. It was the right place to be. I knew it was right and wondered why I had bothered debating it with myself (or with the Lord) at all.

While I was there, I set up the box for collecting school supplies box for needy kids. I helped a single mom fill out an order so she could get food from the Church storehouse. I visited Primary and made an announcement about a Visiting Teaching Conference we are having next week. And I conducted a meeting that I had forgotten about!! There was a testimony borne about the time that I was a Young Woman’s president and how influential I had been in a life. That was a surprise and nice to hear. I’m glad that I was there.

The Lord lives. He loves us. He gives us commandments for our happiness. The things we choose to do here on earth will shake the universe. Let us pray that we will shake it in a way that echoes through the eternities in a good way!

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